Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Circus hits Bureau County

We actually went and saw the Circus in September, but thought the pics would be cute to share. And the circus wasn't half bad, considering they brought it to our local fairgrounds. Being that we are in a town of 7500 it was quite enjoyable. Adina and Madison thought it was AMAZING! Adina did ask me afterwards why I didn't take any pictures of the circus itself! And, well, I FORGOT! Can you believe it. At least we have proof we were there.

Adina's good friend Michael is sitting behind her here! His mom actually won the Circus tickets on the local radio station and was nice enough to share with us!

And of course, you can't forget to ride the camel! By the looks on their faces you can probably tell which was the bumpier ride!


Rachel said...

So Cute! It'll be fun to see your life with 3 girls... so different from what I know! I can live vicariously through you. :)

Maria the Great said...

gotta love the circus.