Sunday, November 4, 2007

Locks of Love

Adina, Madison and I have talked at some length lately about cancer and the affects it can have on people. I was explaining to them how some people will lose their hair in treatment. They were shocked when they realized even small children can be affected and lose their hair. So, we got on-line and checked out the "Locks of Love" website. After talking about it for the past couple of months they decided to take action! About 9 & 7 inches respectively. I am very proud of my girl's tender hearts!

Unfortunately, the pictures of Madison's haircut are trapped in my cellphone. A wonderful device, but a bear when you want to try and download pics. But you get the general idea with Adina's haircut. It's funny, Adina is our one who cannot handle change! When Donovan gets his regular haircuts if there is a slight variation in style she bursts into tears and takes a couple of days to adjust, so we were a bit hesitant to let her do this. She was, however, quite insistent. And she has spent the entire day saying "I LOVE MY HAIR, DON'T I LOOK BEAUTIFUL?!" "MOM, I CANNOT BELIEVE I HAVE GONE SO LONG WITHOUT SHORT HAIR, I LOVE IT!" It is quite endearing.

We were scheduled for pictures today and Bubba (Donovan's mom) came to visit for the day. We had her meet us at the photo studio. We told her we had a surprise for her. And she took one look at them and said "Oh, don't you look pretty...." She was just giving them a quick once over. The first picture is that nice pat answer of a Grandma. The second picture is of her actually noticing their hair, it was very entertaining!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a sweet story! And what a practical way to show your girls how to have compassion on others, great life lesson. Love that...